Monday, February 4, 2013


Today in class we explored Firefox add-ons. Below I have listed 10 add-ons that all high school students should have.

1) Pocket. This add-on lets you view a web-page at any time, even if you have no internet connection.
2) Gmail. This add-on lets you see all of your unread mail. It's good so if teachers email you you'll see it right away.
3) Dictionary. I think this add-on is useful. All you do is highlight a word and double click to see the meaning.
4) Fonts. I like this one, personally, because you can change the color, the size, and the font of your Firefox.
5) The calculator add-on is good so you can do quick math.
6) The translator add-on is good for any students that are taking any foreign language classes.
7) Any of the game add-ons are good for high school students for a little break when they are doing work.
8) Adblock is a good add-on to have to block all of the adds that could pop up on your screen.
9) Invisible Hand is a great add-on that will help you find the lowest prices on anything that you're looking for.
10) LeechBlock is for blocking sites that could distract you or suck the life out of your day. It'll help keep you focused.