These are some guidelines you should follow to have a safe and successful blogging career. Here is just a few of the guidelines I found somewhat more important than a few others.
1) Don't use last names, addresses, or other personal information that people could use to search you. They could use that information to find you or even steal your identity.
2) Do not link your personal blog to your school blog. People could get information off of there to get clues about where you live or what you do. It could also reveal some information you didn't want certain people to know about you.
3) When you state your opinion, do it in a way that doesn't say anything bad or offensive about something or someone.
4) Do not disrespect anything in your blog. Whether it be a person, thing, or organization there are people that may disagree with you.
5) Make sure you proof-read everything you write. You don't want any grammar or spelling mistakes. It could make your blog look unprofessional.
6) Don't write about other people without their permission. It could put them in danger.
7) Watch your language. Many people will be looking at your blog and don't want to see any profanity or any bad language.
8) Make sure what you post is true. You don't want to give people the wrong idea about a topic you guessed upon.
9) Keep it school-related. Most people don't care or don't want to know what you're doing this weekend.
10) Make sure when you post anything you have in the back of your mind it is permanently there. You can erase posts, but it will always be somewhere for people to read.